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Business Partner Sponsorship

Join us in supporting and funding our programs and events. Your sponsorship will be highlighted and recognized.


Sponsorship LevelsSponsorship AmountQty
 Auction Sponsorship more
$5,000.00 sold out
 Raise Craze Sponsorship more
$5,000.00 sold out
 Family Fun Night Sponsorship more
$5,000.00 sold out
 CurbSmart Sponsorship more
$3,500.00 sold out
 Dude's Date Night Sponsorship more
$3,500.00 sold out
 VIP Ball Sponsorship more
 Parent's Night Out Sponsorship more
$2,500.00 sold out
 5th Grade Luncheon Sponsorship more
 Platinum Sponsorship more
 Gold Sponsorship more
 Sponsor a PTA Meeting$250.00 
 Flyer distribution to 1,200 students more
 Flyer distribution to 1,200 students (3 times throughout year) more
Sponsor Information

Contact Person Information

Sponsor Name and Logo/Artwork

Business Logo

Submission of this commitment form gives AMS PTA permission to use company logo
within the parameters outlined in the Fund Development Sponsorship Package.

Please only submit jpeg or png files ONLY. 

Additional Business Logo

Submission of this commitment form gives AMS PTA permission to use company logo
within the parameters outlined in the Fund Development Sponsorship Package.

Please only submit jpeg or png files ONLY. 

Questions? Contact Lindsay Wark @